I had seen photographs of Calla Lilies on the California coast and hoped I might be fortunate enough to find them in Southern Oregon. While plenty of wild flowers were available that Spring, Calla Lilies were not among them. I explored the same 150 miles of coastline on multiple occasions hoping to find some Calla Lilies. I found 2 patches. One of the locations was in a steep and heavily wooded ravine and did not look particularly photogenic. Even if they warranted the effort, it is not likely I would have survived the climb without injury. It was a resounding no. The second patch was in someone’s front yard. Need I say more? I was on my way back from the Coastal Redwoods in Crescent City when I stopped in the Ranger station. By now, I had given up on Calla Lilies having covered as much of the coast as I had planned… more than once. The ranger suggested I take a ride out Pebble Beach Road to see a lighthouse that he thought was particularly interesting. I do enjoy lighthouses but only a small percentage excite me enough to seriously photograph. It had been raining most of the day so I thought, I’m here why not. The coastal drive was beautiful just as he said and I did photograph the lighthouse. But, what really stole my attention was a patch of Calla Lilies I discovered en route overlooking the Pacific. They were stunning with delicate petals still covered with water droplets from the rain. I spent the rest of the day riding, walking and waiting in the vicinity for the rain to stop long enough to shoot. For a brief moment, the sun broke through and the Pacific shimmered with light. Sometimes when we least expect it, we are rewarded for our efforts.
“Answered Prayer” Crescent City, CA
SKU: #55
Categories: Architecture-Floral-Heartland Gallery, Coastal Gallery, Complete Nature Gallery
Tags: California, Crescent City