To this day, I have never had a more spiritual moment in nature or a more career altering experience than the day I laid my eyes upon this beautiful site in the Canadian Rockies. As a child, I remember my father sending me a postcard from the Canadian Rockies while he was on a business trip to Calgary, Alberta. He said it was the most beautiful place he had ever seen. After he passed away, my brother and I vowed we would go there. And when we did, that experience forever changed my life.
It was 1988, in this place and in this moment, that I knew I had to find a way to make photography a bigger part of my life. The following year we returned; this photograph was shot; and, this place again made an indelible impression on my life. The photograph itself ended up in a photography exhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA. But, more importantly, it awakened a passion in me for nature, a new vocation and the God who makes all things possible.