Sometimes unexpected opportunities demand a change in plans no matter how disruptive it may be. While visiting family in Atlanta, I took a day trip to Callaway Gardens which is part of the State Park system about 60 miles south of Atlanta. What was to be an afternoon visit turned into several days of shooting. Never have I witnessed so many acres of flowering azalea blooming with such synchronicity. It was like a modern day Garden of Eden. As I walked the substantial meandering trail system , I was completely engulfed by a sea of blossoms. Consumed by the color, I could only marvel at the visual stimulation. This park had little appeal to me 25 years earlier when my father requested a stop over during a similar family trip. That trip was in the heat of summer. This trip was in April at the peak of Spring colors.
“Callaway Gardens” Pine Mountain, GA
SKU: #43
Categories: Architecture-Floral-Heartland Gallery, Complete Nature Gallery
Tags: Georgia, Pine Mountain